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Calculation of Start and Secure Position

1. September 2022 | Tips & Tricks


The enhancement improves the default calculation of start and safety position. As a result, the user can partially save time for setting custom start and safety position.

Previous Behavior

Calculation of the start position with the electrode zero pointThe previous calculation of the start position only takes into account the electrode zero point, which can be at different positions depending on the settings. When viewing the start position, all electrode zero points are aligned on the start plane defined in the operation. The starting position of an electrode may be insufficient depending on the position of the electrode zero point and the height of the electrode.

New Behavior

Calculation of the start position with the electrode heightThe new functionality for calculating the start position now takes the height of the electrode into account. When viewing the starting position, the zero points of the electrodes are no longer aligned with the starting plane, but rather the tip of the contour. The calculation of the safety position also uses the height of the electrode. This results in a more optimal start and safety position for electrodes that only work in the Z direction. This means that the user does not need to make custom adjustments.


Due to the new behavior, it may be necessary to adjust the start datum plane in the definition of the operation. This prevents unnecessarily long electrode paths for existing assemblies. In addition, the option values DEFAULT_START_DATUM and DEFAULT_SECURE_DATUM should be checked.


The new behavior is available starting with SMARTElectrode,,, and in Creo versions 4.0 through 9.0 and applies to new and existing electrode assemblies alike.

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